Online Store for live Hydrangea plants. Shipped to your door from our nursery located just off Springvale Rd, Keysborough in VIC.

SPECIAL OFFER 15 Agnes Pevalli Hydrangea macrophylla (White) plants

SPECIAL OFFER 15 Agnes Pevalli Hydrangea macrophylla (White) plants

Regular price $112.50 $90.00 Sale

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Bulk pack of 15 Hydrangea macrophylla 'Agnes Pevalli' plants

Due to the onset of wet Autumn conditions, the leaves of the Agnes Pevalli have developed some seasonal blemishes. This is normal for wet conditions when hydrangea leaves turn off-color due to their deciduous growth habit. Some customers who have never grown hydrangeas become alarmed and report various spots and discolorations they observe on the foliage. I reassure customers that this is normal. The leaves will drop off in winter and fresh new unblemished leaves will begin to emerge in spring. This will continue year after year as part of the normal growth cycle.

 Noted for its white mophead flowers.

White hydrangeas are generally stable despite changes in soil pH

 Height 1-1.5m

Width 1-1.5m

Prefers a shaded position and moist soil.

Flowering from Spring to Autumn

50mm pots